From the Forum on the Future of Surveying

By Lisa Hanni.

Remember the dreaded Pop Quizzes in school? NSPS’s Future of Surveying Forum is posting EASY short
Pop questionnaires (called 3PopQs) to members of the surveying profession over the next few months
to help us collect information about the surveying community.
All the questionnaires will ask the respondent to pick which age group they are in and their professional
status. There will be one new question each time. When the respondent finishes answering the
questions they will see the current results of all the respondents’ answers.
The first questionnaire ended on September 1. The question allowed the respondent to choose one or
more of the nine options answering the question “What do you enjoy about your surveying career?”
The options were: Working outdoors, Working both in the office and outdoors, Using new technology,
Researching historical information, Searching for evidence, Analyzing data, Collaborating with other
professionals in a design team, the Variety of the work, and Solving mathematical problems.
The charts below summarize the responses from 434 participants:

Reviewing the responses by age group and professional status, we found:
• The variety of the work option was the most picked option among all age groups and professional status categories.
• The majority of the 18-24 year olds were Survey Students who ranked Working Outdoors in the top four along with the options of Researching historical information, Searching for evidence, and the Variety of the work.
• Using new Technology was third and fourth highest among the 25-34 and 35-44 year olds, respectively, but dropped to sixth place among 45-64 year olds and least picked for those 65+ year olds.
Watch for the next 3PopQ coming out next week…..